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Some Upper Highway 4 Customers Experiencing Discolored Water -January 21, 2019

Customers who live along Highway 4 between Forest Meadows and Camp Connell may be experiencing discolored water. This is due to CCWD temporarily switching to a backup water source last week, which was necessary in order to perform routine annual infrastructure maintenance. While some customers’ water may be discolored, it is completely safe to drink. The District continuously tests the water leaving the water treatment plant to ensure it meets all state and federal standards. The annual maintenance was recently completed, and the District has switched back to its primary water supply. CCWD crews are performing flushing operations to removed discolored water from the system where possible, and customers should see their water return to normal within the next few days.

Those with questions or concerns should contact CCWD Customer Service at or (209) 754-3123.

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