CCWD Opens Emergency Fill Stations for Butte Fire Victims
The Butte Fire has burned tens of thousands of acres throughout Calaveras County and left more than 130 families without homes and thousands without power. Due to this emergency, the Calaveras County Water District has opened up three emergency fill stations to county residents who have lost access to their water source. Potable water will provided free of charge on a temporary basis at these locations:
- West Point Fire Station, 195 Spink Road, West Point
- Ebbetts Pass Fire Station, 1037 Blagen Road, Arnold
- Jenny Lind Water Treatment Plant, 3561 Silver Rapids Road, Valley Springs
In addition to opening emergency fill stations, CCWD is working closely with the Butte Fire incident command.
“Our operations staff is providing IC with access to water supplies that can be used in key locations to combat the fire,” said Dave Eggerton, CCWD general manager.
A crucial part of the firefighting effort is access to a reliable public water supply. To ensure a reliable water supply, CCWD staff has worked around the clock since the fire sparked to life last week.
“I’d like to recognize the employees operating the CCWD system for their dedication,” said Dave Eggerton, CCWD general manager. “Despite power losses and limited access to facilities, they have continued to provide water to both the community and firefighters during this emergency.”
Some years ago, the District invested in a comprehensive network of emergency backup generators that keep facilities running when Pacific Gas and Electric service are disrupted. These generators have been a key component to keeping systems online. As of Monday afternoon, all CCWD systems were operating with the exception of Sheep Ranch, which has been evacuated and was surrounded by active fire.
“Our hearts go out to the many residents who have been affected by this catastrophic fire,” Eggerton said. “CCWD staff members will do everything we can to continue providing services to the community and to assist the brave and dedicated firefighters and law enforcement officers who are protecting our community.”