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CCWD Meets with Bigelow and Borgeas - March 12, 2019

A delegation of staff and Board members from the Calaveras County Water District met with Senator Andreas Borgeas and Assemblymember Frank Bigelow on March 6. The primary issues discussed included the following: preserving local control, protection of water rights, the District’s opposition to a proposed water tax, groundwater recharge opportunities and the implementation of sweeping water use efficiency legislation that was passed in 2018. During the meetings, CCWD advocated for legislative proposals that are in the best interest of Calaveras County residents and fought against bills that threaten local control, jeopardize the District’s access to additional water rights and unfairly place a tax on customers’ water bills.

The District tracks bills and discusses strategy at the Legal Affairs Committee (LAC), which is open to the public and meets on an as-needed basis. The next LAC meeting is scheduled for 2 p.m. Tuesday March 19 at CCWD Headquarters, 120 Toma Court, San Andreas.

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