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August 22 – September 2: Reach 3A Project Update

August 19, 2016

Customers who live on Pine Drive in the Meadowmont Subdivision may experience a short water service disruption during the week of August 22nd or the week of August 29th. Signage placed on the street will notify customers of the exact dates and times of the outage once the plan is finalized.

Contractors will be working on trenching and replacing pipe through the old Meadowmont Golf Course through the end of August and into September.

Crews are buttoning up work near the Arnold Cal Fire station the week of August 22nd.

Over the next couple of weeks, contractors will be removing a variety of small trees along Highway 4, which may cause temporary shoulder closures. One large tree will be removed, which may cause a lane closure for part of a day.

Clean-up work is being done on Blagen Road the week of August 22nd, and it may cause minimal traffic delays.

Work on connecting the pipeline behind the Moose Lodge to the Blagen Road line is tentatively scheduled to begin the week of September 29.

Click here to learn more about the Reach 3A Pipeline Replacement Project.

Anyone with questions or concerns about the project may contact CCWD at (209) 754-3543 or email

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