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Closing Your Account

Selling Your Home

If you are planning to sell your home, please contact the Customer Service Department at (209) 754-3543 or and provide the expected close of escrow date along with a new mailing address, so CCWD can send you a final bill. District staff monitors the Clerk Recorder’s Office activities, and will send field staff out to your meter shortly after the property has officially been recorded in the new owner’s name.

Termination of Service

Calaveras County Water District policy does not allow termination of water and/or wastewater services for residential or commercial properties, unless the following conditions are met, per CCWD’s resolution and policy:

CCWD’s resolution and policy
  • It is an empty lot without any habitable structures on it
  • There has been no recorded water usage within the past two years
  • The property owner must acknowledge that reconnection to the water and/or wastewater system is not guaranteed
  • The property owner much acknowledge that to reconnect to the system, the capacity fee(s) owed will be the amount that would be required for new service(s) to the applicant’s property on the date of reinstatement, less any previously paid capacity fee(s) attached to the property.
Click here for the CCWD Termination of Service Request Form

 If you have questions, please contact the Customer Service Department during regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at or (209) 754-3543.

Foreclosure Information

If you are facing the possibility of foreclosure and have a default filed, please review this information.

Click here for the Foreclosure Abatement AgreementClick here for more information about this process (Board Resolution 2008-36)
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