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CCWD Urges Gov. Brown/State Board to End Drought EmergencyFebruary 2, 2017

The Calaveras County Water District has recently submitted letters to both Gov. Brown and the State Water Resources Control Board advocating for an end to the statewide drought emergency, which has been in effect since January 2014. So far this wet season, the greater Calaveras County region has received more than 200% of average precipitation, the Sierra snow pack is the largest in 22 years and snow water content is 153% of normal. CCWD has enough water in storage from our combined sources to provide water to our customers this year, and for several years to come, even if those years are dry. Our ample precipitation and supply conditions are not unique, but rather indicative of a wider statewide pattern. See below for daily updates on water supply conditions in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Sierra Nevada precipitation levels

Letters CCWD has submitted or signed advocating for an end to the drought emergency


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